

In this section, you will find links to various websites that I have found either immediately interesting or that I regularly read. I will continue to add more links to websites, videos, and books over time. You can already find a selection of videos, films, series, and books on the website

I will provide interesting and useful links on overarching topics that have helped me in the past or continue to do so. Examples include inclusion, reasonable accommodations, and similar topics.

In the meantime, many autistic individuals, as well as parents or partners, share their life experiences on the internet. These testimonies can be very helpful for others. The accounts of those directly affected contribute to a better understanding and give others the feeling of ‘I am not alone, others are going through similar experiences as mine.’ Particularly encouraging is the sharing of strategies and solutions, as well as the celebration of successes and positive experiences.

If you have discoveries you would like to share, please don’t hesitate to send me an email at contact(at)! And if you have any critical or positive feedback, please let me know as well. I look forward to hearing from you! 


Autistic and non-autistic professional contacts

Dr. Christine Preißmann

Dr. Christine Preißmann

Autistic doctor

Dr. Christine Preißmann is an autistic doctor who runs a psychotherapy practice. She is also an author and offers online courses. I have read several of her books, which have been very helpful to me. Language: German. Link to the website.

Bill Nason

Bill Nason

Mental health professional

Bill Nason is a mental health professional with a master’s degree in clinical psychology. On his Facebook page Autism Discussion Page he shares incredibly valuable information, tips, and encouraging messages. I regularly read his posts and always learn something new. Language: English.

Julie Dachez

Julie Dachez

Autistic social psychologist

Julie Dachez is an autistic social psychologist. On her Facebook page Julie’s academy she informs about her online courses and provides interesting insights. She approaches topics critically and supports them with scientific research. Language: French. Link to the website.

Autismus deutsche schweiz

Autismus deutsche schweiz


The “autismus deutsche schweiz” association shares events, program listings, and services on its Facebook page. I once attended a conference they organized and was impressed because they had autistic speakers and moderators. Language: German. Link to the Website.

Samantha Rizzi

Samantha Rizzi

Autistic psychologist

Samantha Rizzi is an autistic psychologist and has her own practice. On her Facebook page, she shares tips and information on various topics. Languages: Luxembourgish, German, French and English. Link to the website.

Fondation Autisme Luxembourg (FAL)

Fondation Autisme Luxembourg (FAL)


The Fondation Autisme Luxembourg (FAL) is led by parents of autistic children and teenagers. They offer a wide range of services. On their Facebook page, they provide information about training, activities, news, and interesting topics related to autism. They especially helped me with the diagnosis, the “Soutien” service, and the social skills training group. Additionally, their communication and training department regularly supports me. Languages: Luxembourgish, German, French and partly English. Link to the website.

Autisme Luxembourg asbl

Autisme Luxembourg asbl


Autisme Luxembourg asbl provides information about events and their workshops on their Facebook page. They greatly helped me with a job coach as part of a European project back then. Languages: Luxembourgish, German, French. Link to the website.

Magazin Autismus verstehen

Magazin Autismus verstehen


The magazine “Autismus verstehen” is a magazine by and with autistic people. I have ordered several magazines and find the articles interesting, although I haven’t read much of them yet. I think it’s great that the topics and content are determined collectively and that autistic people are involved. This is how I envision journalism. Language: German. Link to the website.

Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin

Autistic scientist and animal behavior researcher

Temple Grandin is an autistic scientist and animal behavior researcher. On her website, particularly on the “FAQs” and “Featured Articles” pages, she shares her opinions on various topics. I have watched many of her videos on YouTube. She is very passionate about promoting the development of autistic children and ensuring that adolescents acquire important skills to hold a job and live independently. Language: English. Link to the website.




Auticon is a company that actively leverages the strengths of autistic individuals. They also offer training to help other companies build successful neurodiverse teams. I have had limited contact with them so far, but I am impressed by their writings and their perspective on autistic employees, as well as their comprehensive approach. The company has branches in 14 countries, including Germany, Switzerland, and France, among others. In total, they currently have over 30 offices. Languages: German, French, and English. Link to the website.

Autism Research at the University of Luxembourg

Autism Research at the University of Luxembourg


The Autism Research at the University of Luxembourg provides information on studies, projects, findings, and developments on their website. I have regular contact with Maïte Franco and Dr. Andreia Costa and greatly appreciate their dedication and interest. Languages: Luxembourgish, German, French and English. Link to the website.

Autismus-Forschungs-Kooperation (AFK)

Autismus-Forschungs-Kooperation (AFK)

Autistic individuals and autism researchers

The Autism Research Collaboration (AFK) is a collaboration between autistic individuals and autism researchers. Together, they research questions relevant from the perspective of autistic adults. I have read some of their posters and found them interesting. Additionally, I value their approach. Languages: German and English. Link to the website.

Autistic artists

George Philippart

George Philippart

Autistic singer and projectmanager

George Philippart is an autistic singer and project manager. He has a wonderful voice and is involved in great social projects. On his Facebook page, he shares his songs, videos, events, and concerts. Languages: Luxembourgish, German, French and English. Link to the website and link to YouTube.

Daniela Schreiter alias Fuchskind

Daniela Schreiter alias Fuchskind

Autistic artist

Daniela Schreiter, also known as Fuchskind, is an autistic artist who shares her wonderful and humorous drawings as well as personal insights on her Facebook page. I appreciate her friendly manner, appealing and likable artwork, and the fact that she can express her talent. Languages: German and English. Link to the website.


Tina König

Tina König

Mother of an autistic boy

Tina König is the mother of an autistic boy. On her Facebook page, she writes about everyday situations, challenges, and developments. I don’t know her personally and haven’t engaged much with her posts yet. I discovered her through a friend’s recommendation. The first few entries I read were very interesting, so I’m sharing them here. Language: German.

Inclusion and accomodations

Information portal

  • On, you can find information about the support that can be requested for students in secondary education or adult education. Link to the website.
  •, in general, provides many references for potential applications. Link to the website.
Sylvie Bonne

Sylvie Bonne

Specialist in easy-to-read language

Many people can better understand information in easy-to-read and simple language. They can thus participate more effectively in social life. And they can also live their lives more independently. Sylvie Bonne simplifies texts in German, French, and Luxembourgish. She writes texts just like many people need: easy to understand. She also offers a simple, clear layout. And she provides support for events where a translation into oral easy-to-read language is required. Link to the website and link to LinkedIn.

Raúl Krauthausen

Raúl Krauthausen

Inclusion activist

Raúl Krauthausen is an inclusion activist. On his website, he writes about various projects and current issues. I have subscribed to his newsletters and purchased one of his books. I find his texts very interesting, clear, critical, and well-informed. He can significantly enhance the understanding of inclusion. Language: German. Link to the website.

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